A Murder In Milburn , Book 3: Death In The Library Page 14
“Yes, it’ll be tough competition for us.” Harvey smiled.
“What?” Nora’s eyes brightened.
“I said, it’ll be tough competition for others,” Harvey said.
“That’s not what you said.”
“Can you prove it?” he teased.
“Harvey…” Nora’s voice was dangerous.
“What? I still remember how easily you told May that you and I were just casual,” Harvey said. “Well, I’m being casual.”
“You’re being downright cruel,” Nora said.
Harvey reached inside his pocket, and paused.
Nora waited.
“I bought you something,” he said, bringing his hand out. A small velvet box was clutched in it.
“Oh!” Nora gasped.
“A pendant,” he said, opening it, and revealing a beautiful azure necklace.
“Oh!” Nora’s face lit up with a smile, a smile that had a hint of disappointment.
“That’s an unusual box for a necklace,” she said.
“The jeweler didn’t have the box for the necklace, so I told him he could pack it up in a ring-box instead,” Harvey said.
“I’m sure you did.” Nora batted at him with a pillow. Then, she hugged him.
“I am going to propose sooner or later, you know,” Harvey said. “But not when you’ve just had your cast removed. I’m a little bit more creative than that.”
“You just enjoy teasing me,” Nora said.
“Of course, I do,” Harvey replied. “You get the most delicious red color on your cheeks.”
“One day more,” Tina said excitedly. “One day more and the diner will be open! This is it, Nora! I can’t contain myself.”
“I feel the same way.” Nora jumped up and down happily. “It’s done. Everything’s perfect.”
“It is. Especially between me and Sam,” Tina said. “Nora, I can’t thank you enough for everything. I have my husband back. He’s stopped using those nasty pills. He’s started eating normal meals. He even laughs once in awhile. All because of you.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Nora said. “You nursed him back, and he’s a strong man. He would have recovered eventually.”
“Sometimes I wish you were a little less modest.” Tina gave Nora a hug. “Alright. I’ll be back later. Will you close up here?”
“I will. See you tomorrow!”
“See you! I can’t wait!”
Nora waved goodbye. Then she turned around, and took a deep breath.
This was it.
Tomorrow The Madness Diner would begin. But for today, just for today, she could do without any madness.
The End
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You’ve probably already read the first two BOOKS IN THIS SERIES but you may not know that there is also a novella-length Prequel that you can get on Amazon called Dying To Be Cool. Get it by CLICKING HERE!
Please continue for a note from the author…
Nora’s Pomegranate Iced Tea
Total Time: 20 Minutes
8 cups of water
8 tea bags
4 cups pomegranate juice
1 cup cranberry juice
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 2 limes
2 cups of white sugar
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
Sprigs of fresh mint
1. Pour 8 cups of boiling water into a heat-safe pitcher.
2. Add 8 tea bags and allow tea to steep for 10 minutes.
3. Discard the tea bags and stir in the 2 cups of white sugar.
4. In a mixing bowl, muddle the lemon and lime juices with the brown sugar, blending them thoroughly.
5. Thin-slice several mint leaves and add them to the juices/brown sugar.
6. Stir in the pomegranate juice and cranberry juice.
7. Add the entire mixture to the sweet tea and mix thoroughly.
8. Serve over ice, garnished with fresh mint.
9. Enjoy!
One More Thing…
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Please continue for a note from the author…
A Note From Nancy
Wow! Book 3! I can’t believe we’ve already come this far! It has been an amazing journey so far and, from what I can tell, it is only going to get better from here!
Of course, the reason everything is so great is because of you, my reader. I cannot say Thank You enough for all you have done to support me in this exciting endeavor. Between buying my books, spreading the word about them (and me!) via social media and filling my email inbox with words of encouragement, you have touched my heart in a way I could never have imagined. And I so appreciate all of it!
So, please know that I will continue working hard to keep you entertained! I am currently working on the next book for this series and have another new series in mind that I will begin immediately after. It’s going to be a blast and I am so happy that you and I are in this together!
Here’s to our future,
Nancy McGovern
p.s. If you missed either of the first two books in this series, you can get them on Amazon by CLICKING HERE! There is also a novella-length Prequel that you may not have seen called Dying To Be Cool. You can see that one by CLICKING HERE! And, of course, there’s Book 4, Death By Ice Cream, just waiting for you ON AMAZON!
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